Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Watch New cool greys 11 footaction air jordan

Oh, the interwebs are alarming up with allocution about the admission of "Cool Greys, the fresh Jordan Retro 11 band in "grey, which is all set for a December 23rd midnight absolution at Footlocker. That's tonight!

The grey shoes will be priced from $39.99-$174.99, depending on appearance and size. Yes, they appear in sizes for infants, toddlers, little kids, big kids, and men's (sorry, ladies). Whether for your kids or an developed you appetite to affect -- will you be in band at the achievement of midnight for these blah sneaks?

So what's the Cool Greys hype all about? Well, for Michael Jordan fans, it's about game. Game, in terms of having the shoes everyone else wishes they had. Jordan wore a pair of Cool Greys during his final basketball game on the Bulls against the Knicks at Madison Square Garden, and these latest grey retro-inspired sneaks are based on those very shoes.

And people are going to go crazy for them. Mark my words. Extra security is planned.

Sure, the Cool Greys are pretty nice looking. Not all flashy. Just cool and grey. However, maybe you'd still rather stay in your warm house than face the cold and the crowds going after THE Cool Greys tonight.

Well, if you can get over the hype, we've lined up some cool grey shoes you can order online from home tonight and still receive them in time for Christmas. For guaranteed delivery before Christmas, order from Zappos before 1pm PST on 12/23. Free Shipping, too!

No, these are not Cool Grey Jordans but whatever. I don't like crowds.