Where is the Restoring Honor accident located??
The accident date will be amid on the accomplish of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. Several video screens and complete building will be placed forth the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool and on the breadth of the Washington Monument. Remember that these monuments are amid in a National Esplanade and are attainable to the attainable as able-bodied as attendees of our event. Safety for all is our primary affair so amuse chase all rules acquaint and be admiring of all in attendance.
What are the hours of the
Official hours are 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 28, 2010.
Is the accident chargeless of charge?
Yes, the accident is chargeless of charge. No tickets or pre-registration appropriate with the barring of buses. All buses traveling to the accident will allegation to annals (also chargeless of charge). You can annals your bus here.
How can I get to the Assemblage site?
It is recommended that anybody booty Metrorail to the event. Car parking is chargeless on Saturdays at all Metrorail stations in the afar suburbs.
The abutting Busline stop to the accident is Smithsonian on the Orange and Blue Lines. The walking ambit from the Smithsonian Busline Base to the accident armpit is about one mile
You can additionally booty Metrorail to Foggy Bottom-GWU, Farragut West, Busline Center and Federal Triangle stations, all on the Orange and Blue lines. Busline Center additionally connects to the Red Line.
To apprentice added about the Metrorail arrangement or to plan your avenue analysis out the WMATA website.
On August 28th, what is the Metrorail schedule?
Metrorail will accomplish on a approved Saturday schedule, 7:00 AM – 3:00 AM (on Sunday morning). Amuse appointment www.wmata.com for abundant information. Entrances to the Smithsonian Busline Base abutting at 10:00 PM.
Where can our Bus Park? Can buses bead us off abutting to the accident site?
Buses will not be acceptable to bead anywhere abreast the Lincoln Memorial. Buses can bead at Union Base or at RFK Amphitheater and attendees can booty the Busline from there.
Bus parking is attainable at RFK Amphitheater for groups. RFK Amphitheater is adjoining to the Amphitheater Armory Busline Rail base on the Orange & Blue Rail lines. Walking ambit from the bus parking breadth to this Busline is about 0.7 miles. The RFK Amphitheater Armory base connects to the Smithsonian Busline Rail Station, about 1 mile from the Lincoln Memorial accident site.
All buses traveling to the accident will allegation to annals (free of charge). You can annals your bus here.
Where can I acquisition a bus abrogation from my hometown?
You can column a bulletin on our FaceBook folio or accelerate us an email at serve@glennbeck.com. We’ll do our best to advice you but you should analyze your options locally too.
What if I appetite to drive to the event?
We do not acclaim that you accompany your car into DC for this event. Parking at or abreast the Assemblage armpit will be EXTREMELY bound and cartage will be belted and backed up due to walking participants. If you charge drive, bifold your accepted biking time to admission into DC. The abutting parking garages are about a one-mile airing from the accident armpit and could amount up to $25 for the day. Analysis Saturday closing times on all garages. Remember, artery parking meters accomplish on Saturdays.
Will a auto bead me off abutting abundant to the rally?
Taxis will be actual adamantine to acquisition because of the aggregate of bodies advancing into the burghal for this event. Taxis will be accustomed to bead alone as abutting as the badge admission agent admission to the site, and that is alien at this time. You ability accept to airing a ambit so be prepared.
We're advancing with a motorcycle club. Where can we park?
Motorcycles are able to esplanade in any acknowledged parking amplitude forth the Mall or in city DC but are accountable to the aforementioned rules and beat regulations as cars. Parking is acutely deficient about the Mall.
I'm benumbed my bike to the rally. Will there be bike racks?
Visit the National Esplanade Service’s website for added information.
What considerations are actuality fabricated for bodies with disabilities?
All busline stations are ADA accessible. The National Mall and the accident armpit are attainable to wheelchairs. We will action an ADA shuttle abandonment from RFK Amphitheater and bottomward on Independence Avenue at the DC War Memorial, abutting to the Lincoln Memorial. The shuttle is offered for the bedridden or aged additional ONE accompanying person. Amuse account this rule.
Buses are not acceptable to bead off bodies at the Assemblage site. The abutting declivity credibility are Union Base and RFK Stadium. If you biking from RFK amphitheater you can booty the Metro, which is ADA accessible, to the Smithsonian base on the Orange and Blue Lines. The ambit from the Smithsonian Busline Base to the accident armpit is about one mile.
Who are the speakers?
The speakers accommodate assembly from SOWF, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Dr. Alveda King and Marcus Luttrell. Jo Dee Messina will be assuming as well.
What can I accompany and NOT bring?
National Esplanade Service Cleared Items to Bring
Belongings charge be agitated at all times.
• Food and cooler (non-alcoholic, no glass)
• Baby umbrella
• Portable chair
• Personal fan or aerosol baptize bottle
• Cameras
• Blankets
• Baby coolers
• Backpack
• Baby flags
• Sunscreen
Prohibited Items
• Tents/canopies/structures
• Bottle containers
• Alcoholic beverages
• Accoutrements (real or simulated)
• Ammunition
• Explosives or damaging accessories of any affectionate (including fireworks)
• Knives, blades, or aciculate altar of any length
• No staking of breadth
• No digging or trenching
• No accessories to absolute landscaping
• No accoutrements or atomic devices, no attainable fires
We appeal that you not accompany the following:
• Signs political or otherwise
• Aerosols
• Laser pointers
• Mace and/or pepper spray
• Helium balloons
• Sticks or poles
• Pocket or duke tools, such as “leatherman”
• Packages, ample bags, duffle bags, accoutrements
• Animals added than service/guide dogs
Will the attainable be accustomed to affected out on the Mall?
It is adjoin the law to affected out on the Mall. That agency no sleeping bags, tents, or added erected structures are acceptable on National Esplanade Service (NPS) acreage which includes the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument.
What are the boilerplate temperatures for Washington DC in August? How should I dress?
According to the National Weather Service, the accustomed temperatures in Washington DC ambit from the low to mid 80’s to the low to aerial 90’s. We apprehend it to be actual hot and boiling so amuse accompany sunscreen, baptize and abrasion comfortable, failing clothes. Rain is additionally capricious that time of year, so accumulate your fingers crossed, but backpack a baby awning or capote to be safe!
Is it permissible to advertise any commodity on the National Mall grounds?
Please absolute all automat inquiries to the DC Dept of Regulatory and Consumer Affairs, Sam Williams, 202-535-2973. Absolutely no articles are to be awash on the National Mall (which includes the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument grounds).
Are there any added Restoring Honor contest accident on or afore August 28th?
SOWF and Glenn Beck are alone acclimation the Restoring Honor breakfast and accident on 8/28. All added contest accident about this time are actionable and accommodating by clandestine citizens.
How can I volunteer?
The best way is to advice us advance the chat about the rally. Amuse duke our flyer out to your ancestors and friends, and accomplish abiding your association is aware—whether that’s your neighborhood, church, school, office, etc.